New for 2024!

The Target Time Club is the newest way to take in the excitement of Target Time by being courtside for a potential game-winning shot for the BlackJacks. Designed for groups of between 8-12 people, this package includes seating and access to high-top tables for your group in the gold section. Shortly before the start of the target time at the 4-minute mark into the 4th quarter of the game, your group will be escorted courtside on the attacking basket for the BlackJacks. After the game finishes, Target Time Club members will be first in line for player autographs right after the game. 

Group size: 8-12 people

Suggested groups:

  • Sports teams
  • Birthday parties
  • Community groups

Price: $400 

Interested in trying out this brand new group experience?

Fill out our form below and a BlackJacks representative will get in touch with you.

Completion of the form does not guarantee a BlackJacks Target Time Club experience. For any further information or questions, contact us at [email protected] or call 613-690-0519.

Group Experiences

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